
Q: How do I get started on my new ETS system?

Getting Started On Your ETS

Installation of your ETS tester is surprisingly easy.  It consists of three basic steps:

    1. Assemble the computer as described in the instructions included with the PC.

    2. Mount the ETS system in the cart.
    Always position the tester with two feet of air space around all sides.

3. Connect the interface cable and power cable, and plug in the TestBox. 

You can download the detailed QuickInstall guide below. Also obtain a copy of HiLevel’s QuickStart guide if you don’t already have one.  It will help you with your initial power-up, diagnostics, and calibration, as well as developing your first test.

By spending time with your ETS before your training, you’ll be prepared to ask valuable questions during a training class.  Our focus in training can then be to make you an advanced user rather than just a “better beginner”. If you have further questions about getting started or would like to purchase a training class, email us or call 1-800-HILEVEL.

QL41.zip is a zipped Word file of this Q'nApp.
Qinstall.zip is a zipped Word file of the QuickInstall guide.

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