Q: How can ETSNT help me generate a list of pins and associated parameters?
Using the PinList feature under "Translators"
Besides being able to generate such a list, ETSNT can also read from such a list. Let us demonstrate how both features can be applied. Making a PinList: Very simple - provided you have already defined the pins. Just press the Translators button on the LaunchPad (shortcut: Ctrl+F7). Then press the Process PinList button. A dialog box will appear with two sections; Input & Process List and Create List. If you select "Pins & Groups" a PinList is created in a ‘Notepad’ file format containing not only the defined pins, but also the group definitions, Run Setup parameters, timing generator assignments and DC parametric test definitions. Make sure to rename this file appropriately, otherwise you may overwrite it the next time you create a PinList. If you plan to read the file in later, be sure to sort by system channel (the default) when creating the list. Reading a PinList: Before you make such a list, it may behoove you to create your own example. To do so, simply load any SET file and create a pin list following the steps of Making a PinList. The result is shown to the right. If you would like the SET file used to create this list, it is available online from this Q'nApp. Your PinList must start with the word ‘PinList’ and must end with ‘$End’. You need to specify System Channel (i.e. tester pin), Group Number (i.e. Grp) and Type of pin (Input, Output, Bidirectional, and Split cycle i/o) - please use only a single character {I O B S}. The list should be sorted by incrementing system channel numbers for proper importing. For your own documentation purposes you can create a PinList file sorted by pin name or pin number, but be sure to save a PinList sorted by system channel in case you need to import it again sometime. |
PinList for C:\Ets123\74F161.txt QL1.zip is a zipped Word file of this Q'nApp. 74set.zip is a zipped copy of the SET file used in this note. Click your browser's Back button to return to the Q'nApps index. |