Q: How do I use the "Inhibit Delay" in the Pin Setup?
Inhibit Delay in ETSNT
NRZ - Non-Return to Zero. Leading Edge delay (DLE)
set to zero nanoseconds. Test Rate: 15MHz, 66.666ns period. The slight appearance of some delay of the leading edge in these graphics
is done only for clarity. The leading edge delay times are set to zero
but the display places the edge slightly off of the gray cycle boundary
line for easy viewing. Example 1
Example 2
Other issues pertaining to Inhibit When the functional test begins (by hitting the RUN button or the TestBox button) the HILEVEL drivers will be tri-stated at the start of the first vector. They will not assert data until the leading edge time occurs, all on a per-pin basis. This occurs only after the DUT supply has powered up and settled out. Tri-stated driver pins that are forcing data into a large fixturing mass such as long prober cables or some heavy capacitance may not appear to be at the tri-state level when viewed on an oscilloscope. This is due simply to the "charging" of this mass. The HILEVEL drivers are indeed tri-stated, but without sufficient load on the DUT or fixture to "drain" the charge, it may appear to you and to your device that the line is still active. To see the driver go into Hi-Z without the effect described, remove your fixture and place a bare DUT board on the ETS. Restore the same SET and TRN file and then probe the suspect pin again. You should see normal tri-state behavior. Also see: |
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