
Q: How can I loop until I get a "MATCH" on my vectors?

Pattern Matching with ETSNT

To begin, employ the program mode (invoked by Sequencing under RunSetup). The objective is to run the vectors in loops until the desired outputs are obtained by matching them to the expected response data by using the "fail" flag of the tester.

Start by filling the entire program space with NOOP’s. This you do by pulling down the Vector Drawer and selecting Program Fill + NOOP + Fill It. Did you notice how quickly it filled? That's HILEVEL's HRISC processor at work!

Consider the following vector segment:

              T    C
              S    L
              T    K
000 RSET      X 00 0 XXXX 0 0 10 00A1 1 001 NOOP      X 11 0 XXXX 0 0 10 BF00 1 002 NOOP      X 10 0 XXXX 0 0 10 BF00 1 003 NOOP      X 00 0 XXXX 0 0 10 BF00 1 004 NOOP      X 00 0 XXXX 0 0 10 BF00 1 005 NOOP      H 00 1 XXXX 0 0 10 BF00 1 006 NOOP      L 00 1 XXXX 0 0 10 BF00 1 007 NOOP      X 00 0 XXXX 0 0 10 BF00 1 008 NOOP      X 00 0 XXXX 0 0 10 BF00 1 009 NOOP      X 00 0 XXXX 0 0 10 BF00 1 00A CJMP 003  X 00 0 XXXX 0 0 10 BF00 1 00B NOOP      X 00 0 XXXX 0 0 10 BF00 1 00C CTRG      X 00 0 XXXX 0 0 10 BF00 1 00D NOOP      L 00 0 AXXX 0 0 10 BF00 1 00E NOOP      L 00 1 AXXX 0 0 10 BF00 1 00F NOOP      L 00 0 AXXX 0 0 10 BF00 1 010 NOOP      L 00 1 AXXX 0 0 10 BF00 1 011 NOOP      L 00 0 AXXX 0 0 10 BF00 1 012 NOOP      L 00 1 AXXX 0 0 10 BF00 1 013 NOOP      L 00 0 AXXX 0 0 10 BF00 1 014 NOOP      H 11 1 AXXX 0 0 10 BF00 1 015 NOOP      H 00 0 XXXX 1 1 11 0000 1

  Vector example for Pattern Matching

The first 12 (HEX C) vectors are the "data match" vectors. We are waiting for the TST pin to change from a high to a low. Only at vectors five and six is the part clocked, and only there are we watching for the transition on TST. All other pins in the "vector 3 to vector 10" loop are masked so that no false errors will interfere with the match. The Programmable Pattern Generator will run to Vector 10 (HEX A) and test if there are any failures; if failures are present the program jumps to vector 3. It will stay in this loop until there are no failures. In other words, until there is a match. At Vector 12 (HEX C) a Clear Trigger instruction (CTRG) is executed; this will now allow the program to continue to look for failures, and it will prevent the ETSNT from reporting the "failures" seen during pattern matching as failures.

With Version 4.50 (or later) of the ETSNT software the above Match Mode can be used with the SHMOO Plot. In the SHMOO Plot, the Fail flag is only interrogated at the end of the vectors, therefore, SHMOO may be applied to match mode testing.

For complete information about the Program Mode, refer to the latest release of the ETSNT User Manual. Learn to make CALLs to subroutines, repeat a single vector and to use other vector addressing commands. Q’nApps are created when we add new features, so be sure to check our website often for updates.


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